NASA Land Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation (DSR) and Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)

User GuidePI - Dongdong Wang (University of Maryland)
Product ATBD

Surface downward shortwave radiation (DSR) and its visible portion, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) are key parameters needed for many land process models and terrestrial applications. A physical retrieval algorithm built on the MCD18 heritage was developed to produce a global land surface DSR and PAR product at 1km spatial resolution from the VIIRS data acquired by Suomi-NPP and JPSS-1 satellites. The instantaneous retrievals of DSR and PAR are interpolated to 3-hour and also aggregated to daily mean for the user convenience.

The products are provided in standard Hierarchical Data Format–Earth Observing System (HDF-EOS5) format. Currently, this collection is available from January 19, 2012 and forward.  Products from the VIIRS sensor aboard JPSS-1 (J1) will be also be available starting in mid-2023.


Product Details and DAAC links

Product Name SNPP JPSS-1
Downward Shortwave Radiation Daily L3 1km SIN Grid VNP18A1 VJ118A1
Photosynthetically Active Radiation Daily L3 1km SIN Grid VNP18A2 VJ118A2
Downward Shortwave Radiation Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG VNP16C1 VJ116C1
Photosynthetically Active Radiation Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG VNP16C2 VJ116C2