NASA Active Fire Product

Product User GuidePI - Wilfrid Schroeder (UMD)
ATBD375Co-Is: Louis Giglio (UMD), Evan Ellicott (NOAA), Patricia Oliva (NOAA)
ATBD750Collaborators: Christopher Justice (UMD), Ivan Csiszar (NOAA), Patrick Coronado (NASA GSFC)

S-NPP/VIIRS Active Fire Algorithm

The NASA Suomi-NPP VIIRS Active Fire product suite builds on the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Fire and Thermal Anomalies algorithm (MOD14/MYD14), systematically mapping global fire activity at ≤12 hour intervals (~1:30 am/pm local overpass times). Two VIIRS active fire products are generated independently using the available 750 m and 375 m resolution data. The 750 m fire product is a replica of the MODIS Collection 6 algorithm, which was adapted to VIIRS channels M5, M7, M11, M13, M15, M16. The product comprises active fire detection and characterization (fire radiative power [FRP]) over land and water (e.g., gas flares). The 750 m product, most importantly, provides continuity with the Earth Observing System (EOS) MODIS 1 km fire product.

The alternative 375 m fire product uses the higher spatial resolution VIIRS channels I1-I5, complemented by channel M13, to detect and characterize sub-pixel active fires. It resembles the MOD14/MYD14 fire products, with the addition of specific tests and metadata to account for the unique characteristics of the VIIRS 375m bands. Compared to other coarser resolution (~1 km) satellite fire detection products, the VIIRS 375 m fire product provides greater response over smaller fires, as well as improved mapping of the perimeters of large fires. Consequently, the data are well-suited for use in support of fire management and near-real-time wildfire alert systems, as well as other science applications that require improved fire mapping fidelity.

Both the VIIRS 750 m and 375 m Level-2 active fire algorithms are already in production at the Land SIPS, and Level-3 and 4 products are expected in the near future.

The products are provided in standard Hierarchical Data Format–Earth Observing System (HDF-EOS5) format. Currently, this collection is available January 19, 2012 and forward. Products from the VIIRS sensor aboard JPSS-1 (J1) will be also be available starting in mid-2023.

Product Details and links to LPDAAC

Product Name SNPP JPSS-1
Thermal Anomalies/Fire 6-Min L2 Swath 750 m VNP14 VJ114
Active Fires 6-Min L2 Swath 375m VNP14IMG VJ114IMG
Thermal Anomalies/Fire Daily L3 Global 1 km SIN Grid VNP14A1 VJ114A1